
You want to define leadership for yourself and implement it effectively?

You want to be a powerful, effective leader?

You want to operate with not against each other, as a leadership team?

You want professional leadership with a uniform orientation?


Which topics does Leadership cover? And which don’t?
  • It’s more about strength and empowering than power.
  • It’s more about authenticity and attitude than adaptation.
  • It’s more about self-leadership than just achieving goals.
  • It’s more about collegial supporting than a “one man and woman show”.
  • It’s more about working with each other than against each other.
  • It is more about one’s own style of leadership than about classical leadership theories.
  • It is more about the systemic, solution focused perspective than the individual, linear vie.
  • It is more about culture and healthy growth than just strategy and profit.


Leadership that fits to the person, to the team and corporate culture, as well as the strategy and direction of the company.

I experience leaders and executives in companies of different sizes and industries who lead either the entire company, departments or teams. They all lead in their own way: the way they have learned it, the way it feels right, the way they acquire it, the way they copy it or try it out. Everyone moves people, organizations and customers in their own way of leading and guides companies into the future.

In times of VUCA -World (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) and digitalization, in which the economy is characterized by high speed, market pressure and the urge for effectiveness – an executive is much in demand. In addition, the requirement for an attractive corporate culture, meaning, sustainability, a focus on health and mindfulness is growing, as well as the added value of new organizational structures such as decentralized self-organization and agility can challenge the organization and its management.

In order to meet the many demands placed on leaders, it is essential to stabilize, prioritize and focus on themselves first. So it all begins with Self-Leadership as the fundament to effective leading, because being a leader is about role modeling.

Only if I am self-aware, powerful and flexible as a leader and know what my employees and I need from each other can I achieve the effectiveness of leadership that is needed to successfully and sustainably lead companies and teams into the future. And only if I know how to build this fundament for myself can I support my colleagues, team members, employees and the whole organization to be stable in disruptive times.

As an organizational consultant and coach, I advise you and your team in the field of leadership and accompany you in developing your own adequate way to lead.


Feel free to contact me directly for an initial interview.

Mail: contact@seekandfind.me  oder Contact form.


For further reading: 

Leadership Coaching

Leadership Sparring

Leadership Team Development  

Mindful Leadership 


Photocredit: Joel Peel – unsplash.com